The Meaning Behind The Song: Korpit by Salaliitto

May 2024 · 3 minute read
AlbumMelankolia (2017)
Release DateJanuary 1, 2017

“Korpit” is a song by the Finnish rock band Salaliitto, featured on their 2017 album “Melankolia.” The song delves into themes of longing, betrayal, and the intense desire to uncover the truth behind someone’s actions. With its haunting melodies and poignant lyrics, “Korpit” captivates listeners and resonates with emotions that many can relate to.

The lyrics of “Korpit” convey a sense of restlessness and yearning for a person who has left, with the crows acting as the messengers of this absence. The protagonist expresses their readiness to confront the person if they were to ever return, as they believe that the crows would reveal any secrets kept. The imagery of a cold wind slicing through and a raging sea symbolizes the pain and turmoil experienced during the wait for the person’s return.

There is an underlying darkness and desperation in the narrator’s voice as they reveal their preparedness to use a knife to uncover who the person has been embracing in their absence. The intensity of the emotions portrayed in the lyrics highlights the turmoil and insecurities that can arise when someone we love leaves us in uncertainty.

The repeated lines “Kuka onneton sua nyt jumaloi” translate to “Who miserable worships you now?” This implies that the protagonist is wrestling with feelings of inadequacy and jealousy, wondering who could appreciate and adore the person they long for. The juxtaposition of the cold wind, raging sea, and burning forests further emphasizes the emotional turmoil experienced by the protagonist during this period of waiting.

Personally, “Korpit” has been a powerful song that has resonated with my own experiences. The emotions and struggles expressed in the lyrics have mirrored moments in my life when I have longed for someone who has left. The pain and uncertainty of not knowing what they were doing or who they were with felt like a constant storm raging within me.

The lyrics also made me reflect on the destructive nature of jealousy and the tendency to compare ourselves to others. The protagonist’s desperate desire to know who the person they long for is embracing reflects a fear of being replaced or forgotten. It serves as a reminder of the importance of self-worth and not allowing external validations to dictate our emotions.

Salaliitto’s music, combined with the emotive lyrics of “Korpit,” creates a raw and relatable experience for listeners. The song captures the complexities of love, loss, and the ache for connection. It serves as a reminder that sometimes the hardest part is not the absence of a person, but the uncertainty that accompanies their departure.

Overall, “Korpit” by Salaliitto is a powerful song that beautifully captures the emotions of longing and betrayal. Its haunting melodies and intense lyrics provide a raw and relatable experience for listeners, allowing them to reflect on their own experiences of love and loss. Through its exploration of jealousy and the pain of waiting, “Korpit” resonates with anyone who has experienced the turmoil of longing for someone who has left.
