Missing Ashley Caballero Update, Help Find Her

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Ashley Caballero Found Alive: Family Rejoices

UPDATE: According to her sister Michelle Caballero’s Facebook profile, Ashley Caballero has been discovered alive


This is not your typical case of a teenager running away because “she hates her home.” Nor is it about bad parenting. Ashley Caballero was last seen on October 19 during daylight hours, and her family’s relentless pursuit to bring her back is a testament to their determination and resilience. In this critical update, we shed light on the remarkable community-driven effort to locate Ashley and provide insight into the challenges her family faced while seeking assistance from law enforcement.

On the day of her disappearance, Ashley’s family placed two separate calls to the police. The initial call was met with the response that it was too early to report her as missing. The second call, made after curfew, was finally taken, and an officer promised to patrol the area. Astonishingly, just 30 minutes later, Ashley was spotted entering a 7/11 convenience store, located less than half a mile from where the initial report was filed, marking a perplexing twist in this ordeal.

In an alarming turn of events, a surveillance video from outside the 7/11 captured Ashley being pushed into a white tundra vehicle around 1:45 am. Through the diligent efforts of Ashley’s family, the identity of the man responsible, Robert Polka, a maintenance worker for the Alicia Center plaza, was confirmed. The family expresses their deepest gratitude to the owner/manager of 7/11, the owner of the nearby Corona store, and the manager of the sushi restaurant, along with the entire community, for rallying together during this challenging search.

Despite the mounting evidence, the police response remained frustratingly slow. The family reported the suspect’s full name, provided video surveillance footage, and shared the individual’s phone number with law enforcement on Saturday, October 22. However, the officer’s classification of Ashley as a “non-risk” based on her appearance, along with unfortunate remarks implying she might have willingly left, only deepened the family’s anguish.

Undeterred, Ashley’s family continued their search for her on Sunday, October 23. Through their own diligent efforts, they uncovered that Robert Polka was a registered sex offender, raising more red flags. When this crucial information was shared with the police, they still required “concrete information confirming the identity of the man” before they would initiate a search, even though it was readily available on a public website.

Finally, after three agonizing days, the police treated the case with the urgency it deserved. Hours later, Ashley was found incoherent inside Robert Polka’s vehicle, not by law enforcement, but by her family and family friends. Their relentless pursuit of Ashley’s safe return underscores the importance of community-driven efforts and the need for proactive action.

While understanding the necessity of police protocols, this situation serves as a compelling reminder to the community to be vigilant, vocal, and unafraid to assert their concerns. In cases like Ashley’s, time is of the essence. Be mindful of your surroundings and speak up. It can happen to anyone.

This update marks the conclusion of our family’s public statements on the matter. We kindly request your respect for our privacy during this challenging time and encourage your thoughtful and considerate comments. This summary provides only a glimpse into the complexities of the situation. Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers as we navigate what lies ahead.

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