Stone Cold's movie career | WrestleZone Forums

May 2024 ยท 1 minute read
The big problem with Stone Cold's movie career is that they try to change his persona. He'll play quiet, tough guys who'll throw in a one liner at the kill shot. He needs to make a movie where Stone Cold is the same crazy, smack talking, beer drinking, rebel red neck that propelled him to stardom.

And it's not an insult to his acting ability to only have one character. Sure, people demean Michael Cera and Owen Wilson for being the exact same character in every movie role. But Morgan Freeman is a respected actor that has played the same character in iconic movies Driving Miss Daisy, The Shawshank Redemption, Se7en, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, and many others.

The Rock's success in Hollywood is b/c he started out with roles that kept the same character. The Rundown is awesome b/c it let him keep his developed character. Also, he had the same kind of comedic chemistry with Stifler and Johnny Knoxville in Walking Tall that he had Mick Foley.
