My Iron Lung Lyrics Meaning

May 2024 ยท 1 minute read

My Iron Lung is supposed to be about how radiohead felt about creep. Creep was their iron lung. It was keeping the band alive, because people liked it so much. People started to show up at their concerts to hear Creep. Even though it was keeping them alive, Thom hated how all of their other music was being ignored, which is why Radiohead stopped playing Creep at concerts. This is identified by the lines this is our new song just like the last one, a total waste of time, my iron lung. This new song is a waste of time, because no one will listen to it. Thom himself said that he felt that he really captured what he was trying to say with these lyrics. In my opinion he's the all time best lyricist, next to The Beatles. So suck your teenage thumb, hope this wasn't a waste of time.
