Am I a bad gay because I love Fixer Upper?

May 2024 · 20 minute read

Chip is annoying, but I think Joanna has great taste. I’d love to live in one of her designs.

by Anonymousreply 130July 30, 2019 8:15 AM

Yes you are but ultimately you can watch whatever the fuck you want.

Give more money to the fucking redneck homophobes so that they can give more money to that fundie church they attend.

by Anonymousreply 1July 6, 2019 5:38 PM

Watch what you want. The sad part is you’re posting about it.

by Anonymousreply 2July 6, 2019 5:41 PM

R1, how am I giving them money if I don’t buy their products but just watch their show?

by Anonymousreply 3July 6, 2019 5:42 PM

R3 - the more viewers, the more expensive the ads are for the show and the more they can demand in salary. So yes - the act of watching does put money in their pockets.

by Anonymousreply 4July 6, 2019 5:48 PM

R4, I understand that, but Nielsen has never kept track of what I personally watch.

by Anonymousreply 5July 6, 2019 5:51 PM

They've ruined what little taste ordinary Americans once possessed. Everyone is a home-flipper now, everyone is a designer. It's so appropriate they come from one of the ugliest, most backward, most conservative cities in Texas otherwise known for David Koresh, W's hogfarm, and being mispronounced as Wacko. If I were to characterize her style it would be veneers of Tuesday Morning with a dash of Pioneer Woman.

by Anonymousreply 6July 6, 2019 5:54 PM

R4 Unless the OP is a Nielsen family, his viewing is irrelevant.

by Anonymousreply 7July 6, 2019 5:59 PM

That Nielsen thing is incredibly accurate.

It’s all about statistics and sample sizes and all that somewhat complicated stuff.

by Anonymousreply 8July 6, 2019 6:09 PM

No, you're a bad gay for thinking Joanna has good taste.

by Anonymousreply 9July 6, 2019 6:35 PM

I've used her Magnolia Homes color pallet quite a bit lately.

by Anonymousreply 10July 6, 2019 6:39 PM

[quote]Everyone is a home-flipper now, everyone is a designer

not everyone.

by Anonymousreply 11July 6, 2019 7:52 PM

R8 - not really. At one time it was, but their sample sizes are so fucking small and TV watching is so fragmented, the whole Nielsen ratings have been put into a question a great deal the past 10 years.

They've even doubled their households in some markets and it's still laughably low. There are still markets where people manually write down what they watch - that isn't accurate.

Nielsen is a joke. Back when there were just a few channels and networks it was better - but that's a long time ago.

by Anonymousreply 12July 7, 2019 4:12 PM

She pretty much does the same house, over and over.

by Anonymousreply 13July 7, 2019 5:38 PM

OP, sorry , but all your taste is in your mouth. Joanna Gaines's decorating style can best be described as bland and pedestrian. It consists of using barn doors, picnic tables, and writing inspirational and biblically-based on walls.

If you want good decorating tips from HGTV, look to Hilary Farr of "Love It or List It." She is imaginative and has original ideas.

by Anonymousreply 14July 7, 2019 5:58 PM

I loathe Love It or List It.

by Anonymousreply 15July 7, 2019 6:16 PM

I absolutely DESPISE Joanna that cunt, but I LOVE Chip and want him inside me. He’s so funny and cute. He is WAY too good for that frigid bitch.

by Anonymousreply 16July 7, 2019 7:39 PM

R16, I wouldn’t be able to be in his presence for more than a few minutes. He’s so juvenile.

by Anonymousreply 17July 7, 2019 7:46 PM

R17 - yes he is an idiot, but I’d would just need ten minutes of penetration and I could cum and he could GO!!!

by Anonymousreply 18July 7, 2019 7:58 PM

r16/r18 I assume you saw him dare himself to eat that roach?

by Anonymousreply 19July 7, 2019 11:40 PM

Yes, OP, you have terrible taste.

At the HGTV thread we almost never talk about them, unless we're making fun of her blandness or talking about how Chip looks like someone who wears underwear with skidmarks.

We worship taste, style and the High Priestess of Paris, Ms. Adrian Leeds!

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by Anonymousreply 21July 8, 2019 12:05 AM

Am I a good gay because I love This Old House and vintage Bob Vila's Home Again?

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by Anonymousreply 22July 8, 2019 12:06 AM

You're a bad gay for forgetting me!

You're all drunken whores, and cheap ones too! I should have had a WAY bigger budget, you cheap tramps!

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by Anonymousreply 23July 8, 2019 12:11 AM

Yes, you are a bad gay supporting these assholes. Of all the episodes they've done, they have not had one gay couple on. Fuck them.

by Anonymousreply 24July 8, 2019 12:12 AM

They had one probably gay guy. He had just moved "back from New York". HGTV is calling him "A Most Eligible Bachelor". Lots of photos below.

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by Anonymousreply 25July 8, 2019 12:17 AM

Its Waco for god's sakes. If you're gay and coupled and living there, you probably already have your housing figured out.

by Anonymousreply 26July 8, 2019 12:18 AM

You can live in a house just like her designs. Get a bunch of old pallets and tear them apart, paint them grey and cover your walls with them. Then buy a giant clock and put it up on that wall. Buy old books and stack them everywhere then put a bowl of lemons on the table. Done.

by Anonymousreply 27July 8, 2019 12:20 AM

Is the show funded by Hobby Lobby? What is the story with Hobby Lobby? Aren't they big on Christianity in there? That is the vibe I got. Any info?

by Anonymousreply 28July 8, 2019 12:23 AM

Thanks to you OP, they’re able to tithe a shit ton of money to their hateful fundie church. Way to go.

by Anonymousreply 29July 8, 2019 12:34 AM

Joanna has a stinky cunt. I can smell it through my tv screen. Filthy bitch. Hi Chip!

by Anonymousreply 30July 8, 2019 2:32 AM

R25 he wasn't gay. He runs a tour business in Waco now and the Gainses hate him because he went to the media a gave out all the behind the scenes secrets of the show. Like the fact that buyers already had a house picked out before they came into the show. In the latter seasons, they gave up the whole "choose amongst three houses" thingy

by Anonymousreply 31July 8, 2019 2:38 AM

My (straight) brother and I were discussing HGTV shows (yeah, sad), and we disagreed on every single one of them. He thought 'Love It or List It' was horrible, and I agreed that I could skip the real estate guy, but the British designer was rather suave and foxy, and could probably show me a thing or two. On the other hand, he told me that Joanna Gaines was 'stunning'. End of conversation. "Order your shiplap in bulk, sucker!

by Anonymousreply 32July 8, 2019 2:42 AM

They are shifty as fuck. The were called out for supporting an anti LGBT church (the church they go to) and they refused to address it. Chip was sued because he screwed his partners out of their success. He was in business with two other men to flip houses. Business was bad and Chip sent them a letter offering to buy them out...except Chip left out the fact he and Joanna were in negotiations to do a show on HGTV. When their show was a success, they wanted a much bigger piece of the pie. HGTV had signed them into a iron clad contract. So Joanna got pregnant, the only out they had. They told HGTV they were going to stop filming and concentrate on family..except they were in negotiations to get their own network..fucking shifty as fuck.

by Anonymousreply 33July 8, 2019 2:49 AM

[quote] HGTV had signed them into a iron clad contract. So Joanna got pregnant, the only out they had. They told HGTV they were going to stop filming and concentrate on family..except they were in negotiations to get their own network..fucking shifty as fuck.

HGTV is owned by the same company their new network will be a part of, so it was hardly a "secret" from them.

by Anonymousreply 34July 8, 2019 3:06 AM

Recently, there was an episode where Chip took off his shirt. He reminded me of an oven stuffer roasting chicken. Not hot.

by Anonymousreply 35July 8, 2019 4:19 AM

Thank you r35 for the delicious imagery of chip's pasty dad bod. I no longer crave him for sexual appetite.

by Anonymousreply 36July 8, 2019 4:35 AM

You're welcome. After seeing that, neither do I.

by Anonymousreply 37July 8, 2019 4:56 AM

There are only two of those shows I can stand:

1. "Masters of Flip", the Nashville-based one with the Canadian couple, Dave and Kortney. They are not deplorables and her taste, even though is not really my style, is OK and sort of playful.

2. "Home Town" - "Big Ben" Napier, do I need to say anything else? I certainly don't watch it for houses or design choices in Laurel, Mississippi.

by Anonymousreply 39July 8, 2019 5:30 AM

R26 That guy was hot and I definitely wanted to move in with him and make him happy

by Anonymousreply 40July 8, 2019 5:39 AM

Yeah, the New York bachelor in Waco has now married. I was all up in fantasy land with him too until I found that out.

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by Anonymousreply 41July 8, 2019 5:47 AM

I think Chip's whole plan for wooing Joanna was to wear her down until she gave in. I think she could've done better, but I imagine Chip was just an incessant juvenile fly that didn't go away.

by Anonymousreply 43July 8, 2019 7:29 AM

R41. Bitter here too.dude is exceptionally attractive.

by Anonymousreply 44July 8, 2019 7:44 AM

Good riddance to this "family"

by Anonymousreply 45July 8, 2019 8:24 AM

The Texas press deep dive

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by Anonymousreply 49July 8, 2019 2:02 PM

Sure, OP. Shiplap and oversized clocks are all you really need to know about her 'aesthetic'.

by Anonymousreply 50July 8, 2019 2:04 PM

Shiplap will look as passé as wood paneling and shag carpeting in no time,

by Anonymousreply 52July 8, 2019 2:10 PM

[quote] Sure, OP. Shiplap and oversized clocks are all you really need to know about her 'aesthetic'.

Her 'aesthetic' is TJMaxxRustic.

by Anonymousreply 53July 8, 2019 2:10 PM

[quote] Her 'aesthetic' is TJMaxxRustic.


by Anonymousreply 54July 8, 2019 2:10 PM

r34 - I never said it was a secret, it was shifty. They used the pregnancy as an out to their contract. HGTV got a piece of everything before. Now with the Magnolia farms network, Chip and Joanna will be getting a much bigger piece of the pie. Honestly, I can't see them sustaining a whole network. Oprah can barely do it.

by Anonymousreply 55July 8, 2019 2:28 PM

What happened to the lawsuit? Did he lose? I really liked them at first, but suddendly the Magnolia name was everywhere and it was clearly all about making more and more money.

by Anonymousreply 56July 8, 2019 3:09 PM

Chip is hot. He looks very muscular and strong. He's gotta be strong because he uses his big muscles when he is doing demolition.

by Anonymousreply 57July 8, 2019 3:31 PM

Reality check: Chip is NOT hot (and I'm usually into that type.)

by Anonymousreply 58July 8, 2019 3:33 PM

Chip was probably hot when he was younger. Now he is fat and sweaty and usually looks unwashed. He and that fat, sweaty guy from Mississippi who always has his fat arm around his tiny blonde wife are totally disgusting.

by Anonymousreply 59July 8, 2019 3:42 PM

[quote] He and that fat, sweaty guy from Mississippi who always has his fat arm around his tiny blonde wife are totally disgusting.

I rebuke you, demon!

Ben Napier is a hot mountain of a man. Chip looks like a stale beer fart.

by Anonymousreply 60July 8, 2019 4:28 PM

There was alot of controversy when it was revealed that they attended a church that was incredibly gay-hating and because they never featured any gay couples on their show.

by Anonymousreply 61July 8, 2019 5:02 PM

R61 Yeah, Chip and Joanna said something to sidestep it in an interview like "We're personally rooting for everyone!" But they never do have any openly gay folks on their show, and most of their clients have been people they met AT or through the church (one of those articles above spells it out pretty clearly).

Ben and Erin, on the other hand, have had LGBT folks in this past season - a cute lesbian couple in one episode and another episode where the teenage son was clearly a gayling in training.

by Anonymousreply 62July 8, 2019 8:42 PM

It always irritates the hell out of me when this fat, sweaty Ben grabs his wife like she is his possession.

What does it matter if they have gay couples or not? I suspect most of these shows are fake anyway. Most of the prices/rent on the House Hunter shows are not realistic and who would look at only three houses and then make a decision like that? The renovation budgets on most of the shows are also way too low for the number of people who work on these houses and the quality. I would also like to know if these couples really moved into their houses and what they look like with their own furniture and personal stuff.

by Anonymousreply 63July 8, 2019 9:08 PM

Ben is hot! He would squash lumpy Chip in a second.

by Anonymousreply 64July 9, 2019 1:01 AM

I'd push Erin down on the ground and climb Ben like a tree.

by Anonymousreply 65July 9, 2019 1:35 AM

You'd have to fight me for the head of the line!

by Anonymousreply 66July 9, 2019 1:37 AM

You guys are really into obese, sweaty men with scruffy beards and thick southern accents?

by Anonymousreply 69July 9, 2019 1:50 AM

Yes, you're a bad gay. Watching them isn't really different than watching fox news. The $ is all going to bad people, homophobia, etc. What really makes you a bad gay though is that you aren't aware of these things and that's sad. You're no different than the frau who has a best gay friend but watches fox & Friends every morning. So, ya, thanks for nothing.

by Anonymousreply 70July 9, 2019 1:55 AM

R70 Like others have already said, if he is not streaming, not a Nielsen family and not buying any of their Magnolia shit, they're not getting any money from him. Chill!

by Anonymousreply 71July 9, 2019 2:28 AM

They had a hot gay couple doing flips for HGTV.

HGTV made almost all of the pilots they did from this particular season into shows EXCEPT FOR "Down to the Studs."

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by Anonymousreply 73July 9, 2019 1:58 PM

That pic of Chip at R72 is disgusting. And that's not fit-fat: that is fat ass, entitled, white boy douchbaggery at its finest. He could give Trump a run for his money in the asshole department, but at least Trump's got 30 years on him.

by Anonymousreply 75July 9, 2019 10:22 PM

Chip is yummy to me! I would ride that frat boy baby-making dick so hard he would leave that loose hooker Joanna! Come on over to the man side, Chip! 😘

by Anonymousreply 77July 9, 2019 11:01 PM

Ugh do they really have their own “network?” WTF do they broadcast all day?

I hope a tornado carries them away.

by Anonymousreply 79July 9, 2019 11:12 PM

Ugh. Chip makes my skin crawl.

by Anonymousreply 80July 9, 2019 11:12 PM

I want Chip to “fixer upper” my rectum and prostate.

by Anonymousreply 81July 9, 2019 11:25 PM

I'd be afraid of getting scabies. Chip looks like he doesn't wash, y'all, "down there."

Meanwhile, I think JoJo used to wander off and get her twat pounded by the hot carpenter guy who made their tables.

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by Anonymousreply 82July 9, 2019 11:30 PM

R82 - chips I know what you’re sayin, but Chip’s dirty boy parts makes me want him inside me even more!! I can always shower in Purell after I’ve shot my load.

by Anonymousreply 83July 9, 2019 11:33 PM

Jesus, the Chip troll is so tedious and juvenile; just like Chip himself

by Anonymousreply 84July 9, 2019 11:40 PM

R84 - I’m from a little Texas town not too far from Waco, we think alike me and Chip!

by Anonymousreply 85July 9, 2019 11:47 PM

R84 - for example, I used to let my dog lick peanut butter off my tallywacker. (My uncle’s term for penis)

by Anonymousreply 86July 9, 2019 11:48 PM

Block the Chip troll and half the thread disappears

by Anonymousreply 87July 9, 2019 11:50 PM

R87 - please don’t block me! If you don’t I’ll lick peanut butter off your tallywacker too!

by Anonymousreply 88July 9, 2019 11:54 PM

Ugh OP. Where do you live that you think that cunt has good taste? Her stuff is absolutely horrible. I can’t imagine what your place must look like.

by Anonymousreply 89July 10, 2019 12:04 AM

I would love to see the homes of the people criticizing Joanna’s taste.

by Anonymousreply 90July 10, 2019 12:06 AM

Didn’t Waco have all those unpleasantries and Janet Reno went all Die Harder With A Vengeance there?

I mean, *better* communities don’t get the Attorney General going Die Harder on you. At least they didn’t. Now, who knows? We’ll await the posting of the banns in Pravda.

by Anonymousreply 91July 10, 2019 12:07 AM

Love to know how much Chip and Jo pay those day laborers who do the demo for them while Chips acts like a fool.

by Anonymousreply 92July 10, 2019 12:09 AM

The ONLY thing good about that cunt Joanna is that she’s half Asian (good at math and clean people)

by Anonymousreply 93July 10, 2019 12:12 AM

R90 you should see mine. It’s beautiful with no ship lap

by Anonymousreply 94July 10, 2019 12:16 AM

R82 I agree Clint Harp is such a hottie.

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by Anonymousreply 96July 10, 2019 1:13 AM

J. Pickens is probably the hottest guy on HGTV

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by Anonymousreply 97July 10, 2019 1:15 AM

What do you all think of Richard Blanco, the realtor on House Hunters International? I find him a tad annoying, but I find some of the house hunters even more annoying.

My goddess remains Adrian Leeds

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by Anonymousreply 99July 10, 2019 4:55 PM

Richard annoys me but I also find him attractive sometimes.

He's visually very hairy and handsome but I'm betting the moment the lights go down, he becomes the world's biggest MARY!

by Anonymousreply 100July 10, 2019 5:27 PM

[quote] My goddess remains Adrian Leeds

Of course, that's a given!

by Anonymousreply 101July 10, 2019 9:35 PM

J Pickens = instant boner

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by Anonymousreply 102July 11, 2019 11:33 AM

Jason Pickens claims to be "an artist".

by Anonymousreply 103July 11, 2019 11:25 PM

I think the only reasonable conclusion that you can draw after their multiple seasons is that Chip and JoAnna are hugely homophobic. There are about 5 seasons each with about 15 episodes and NOT one same sex couple? I get this is Waco but there has to be at least one homo couple that wanted their 15 minutes of fame. My belief is that they used primarily people from their church. All of the couples were pretty much the same and many of the women wore long skirts which seemed a bit odd in hot and muggy Waco unless they were part of a sect that made women cover their knees.

by Anonymousreply 104July 12, 2019 12:28 AM

[quote] My belief is that they used primarily people from their church.

That's not just belief or opinion - a number of articles have said as much.

by Anonymousreply 105July 12, 2019 12:29 AM

Well, to be fair, if you'd ever visited Waco (God help you if you have), you'd know that it is the home of Baylor University, which is a Baptist university with an enrollment close to 20,000. Probably another 1500 faculty and staff. which means that roughly one out of six residents of Waco (population 135,000) has a current relationship to Baylor. I'm guessing that close to half of the town attended Baylor at one time or other, and most of those attend one of the numerous churches led by ministers trained at Baylor, so it is Southern Baptist central down there, along with various non-denominational evangelical churches, one of which is what the Gaines attend....YIKES. I can say, as someone who drove there one Sunday evening to meet friends from dinner who were driving from the opposite direction, that most restaurants and bars in Waco are closed on Sundays. I guess what I'm saying is that there are plenty of church-attending clients (low-hanging fruit) for Chip and Joanna Gaines without them ever having to go to main street to flag down a likely looking homosexual.

by Anonymousreply 106July 12, 2019 6:29 AM

Ugggh. These people are such trash. I’m from Texas, and Waco is the right-wing, red neck, evangelical butthole of Texas. I used to actually get nauseous when driving through.

by Anonymousreply 107July 12, 2019 12:06 PM

SMELL Miss R106!

(No, really, she knows her shit.)

by Anonymousreply 108July 12, 2019 7:51 PM

R106. You had me at “hanging fruit”

by Anonymousreply 109July 13, 2019 12:55 AM

Chip IS a fixer upper and Jojo isn't doing a great job, tbh

by Anonymousreply 111July 14, 2019 11:47 PM


Their work isn’t BAD, but it’s so Home Goods/Pinterest-y.

by Anonymousreply 112July 15, 2019 12:59 AM

They are all very samey. Whether they're in Maine, Nashville, Orlando or Cali.

This bald, tall guy is painfully dorky but his restorations have more architectural honesty than all the glitzy, ditzy females—

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by Anonymousreply 114July 16, 2019 3:08 AM

R114 Brett is cute but he needs to ditch the hat

by Anonymousreply 115July 16, 2019 3:52 AM

I remembered Jenna Bush discussing Joanna possibly working on the Bush ranch nearish to Waco. After looking it up it appears Laura Bush just made an appearance on the show instead. It's not often you see a former First Lady roll up in an F-150. Wow.

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by Anonymousreply 116July 16, 2019 4:13 AM

Laura "Pickles" Bush is behind the wheel again???!!???

by Anonymousreply 117July 16, 2019 4:18 AM

HAHA, r117 I hadn't even thought about all of that.

by Anonymousreply 118July 16, 2019 4:21 AM

R116 yeah, one of their contractors had a working relationship with the Bushes and they were invited to pick some trees from the Bush farm to use on a project..iirc

by Anonymousreply 119July 16, 2019 6:49 PM

Laura was a little creepy, pawing at those Gaines crotch droppings!

by Anonymousreply 120July 16, 2019 11:40 PM

These twats named their new kid CREW???!!?????

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by Anonymousreply 121July 21, 2019 11:52 PM

Ok, is it just me, or does she use THE GODDAMN SAME LIGHT FIXTURES EVERY SINGLE SHOW! The glass bubble light bulb thing?

Her taste is just black and white, black and white. I was just there yesterday and my god I can't believe anyone wants to go to the Silos and hang out. It's LAME! Half of Waco looks like a blown out, burnt down crack house, decay and rubble buildings everywhere.

by Anonymousreply 122July 22, 2019 12:16 AM

[quote] Her taste is just black and white, black and white.

What's wrong with that?

by Anonymousreply 124July 22, 2019 12:20 AM

I'm quite sure all these shows are contracted to some manufacturer to use the same bubble light bulb things and the same trizzy bathroom tiles.

by Anonymousreply 125July 22, 2019 12:22 AM

You're a bad "gay" because you're a frau posing as a gay person on DL.

by Anonymousreply 126July 22, 2019 12:25 AM

Don't mind Miss R126. No one's changed her tampon in weeks and she has toxic shock syndrome.

by Anonymousreply 127July 29, 2019 9:06 PM

I love Joanna , Chip is annoying but does great work . I love their style

by Anonymousreply 128July 29, 2019 9:32 PM

I would paint the walls, get new hardwood floors and new spots....

Hey Chiiiiiiiiiiipp!

Can you imagine kissing this guy after he ate the dead cockroach?

by Anonymousreply 130July 30, 2019 8:15 AM
