Justin Hires and Lucas Till Net Worth 2020 ($$2,243,748)

May 2024 · 18 minute read
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Last updated on October 18th, 2023 at 02:19 pm

Did you know that Justin Hires and Lucas Till net worth has risen to more than $2,243,748, so what is Lucas Till and Justin Hires net worth then?

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Acting over the years has been one of the most lucrative ways for celebrities to gather wealth. 

and all you need is to know how to be cool in front of a camera without freezing. 

I know am saying all this but honesty would be that I really can’t handle myself in front of a camera. 

What about you? 

Leave me a comment below with “I AM COOL IN FRONT OF A CAMERA” if you can handle yourself. 

and the opposite if you can’t… 

Having said that, today you and I will dig into Justin Hires and Lucas Till net worth 2020.

As a matter of fact, this post with cover Justin Hires net worth 2020 and then further dig into Lucas Till net worth 2020. 

but before we go into that, let’s see what you will be getting from today’s post… 

Here is a headstart in bullet points. 

but wait that’s not all! 

Every figure you will here today regarding Lucas Till and Justin Hires net worth has been thoroughly researched. 

and this post is probably going to take you 10 minutes to read. 

So you can be sure that you are getting the most up to date figures on Justin Hires and Lucas Till net worth in 2020. 

Having said that, here is what I want you to do next before we continue… 

Okay, I believe you just did that and now let’s dive into Justin Hires and Lucas Till net worth and see what we will find, shall we? 

Justin Hires and Lucas Till Brief Bio

The Internet has made it very easy for you and I to get easy access to information these days you will agree right? 

Well back in the 80s, the Internet wasn’t this readily available and I remember I had to read a bunch of books just to get any info I wanted. 

but these days, with just one click on your android or iPhone you have any info you want. 

Which is pretty sleek actually…

and today I have decided to also make this post one easy one for you to skim through. 

This section has been subdivided into two… 

In this section of this post, you will learn about Justin and Lucas’s age, where they schooled. 

but wait that’s not all! 

You will also find small details like when and where they are born, awards both actors have won it there is any. 

Now that you know what to get, hop on because it’s going to be a wonderful 10 minutes. 

Justin Hires Brief Bio 

The net worth of Justin Hires has been climbing steadily ever since coming on the movie scene. 

but not to worry you and I will get into that in time, for now, let’s get every tiny detail there is about Hires, shall we? 

Personally I love to call him Bozer because of his amazing performances on the ongoing CBS Macgyver. 

I love that series by the way because the combination of all the casts just makes for one fun TV series to watch. 

In my country, we usually address most western actors by the name they became popular in movies. 

Take for example, here in Nigeria, we call Sylvester Stallone RAMBO. 

I mean every kid from the late 80s call him that and it wasn’t until 1999 that I knew his real name. 

So what’s the real name of Bozer then? 

His real name is Justin Hires… 

and he was born in St Petersburg in the state of Florida in the year 1985 July 24th. 

He is born to Mr. James Hires and his wife Barbara Hires who is a superintendent in Pinellas County. 

So who is he? 

Well, the short answer to the above question is ACTOR. 

and the longer version of that same answer will be: Justin Hires is an American actor, singer, stand up comedian, and writer. 

So where did Justin school? 

Hires completed his secondary at Gibbs High school in St Petersburg before getting admitted into Clark Atlanta University

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While at Clark Atlanta University, Justin studied mass media, art radio, and film. 

and after 4 years he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree

Speaking of awards Justin hasn’t landed any major award yet probably because he hasn’t been much of the main cast in his movies. 

Now, this about sums up his brief bio now let’s quickly dig into that of Lucas Till, shall we? 

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Lucas Till Brief Bio 

Lucas great acting skills have seen him take up roles in several movies. 

and all of these movies brought the net worth of Lucas Till to a very surprising figure. 

and in a moment you will get Lucas Till net worth. 

Lucas has been popular after playing a male video vixen on Taylor Swift’s song. 

and like it or not this guy has been in the game since like he was a kid. 

He reminds me of the acting dream I couldn’t chase due to several factors outing my poor acting ability. 

Even Nigeria movie producers don’t want me anywhere their camera. 

It’s disheartening though considering the fact that everyone could improve. 

but here is a secret I have never told anyone yet… 

If you feature me as a supporting actor in a movie I can guarantee you it’s going to be a DISASTER. 

and you are asking yourself how the hell is that a secret… 

Just deal with it.


As for this guy, I love to call him Macgyver because of his lead role on CBS TV show. 

but hey he has a real name… 

His real name is Lucas Daniel Till.

and he was born in Fort Hood Texas in the year 1990 August 10th. 

Daniel is born to Née Brady and her husband John Mark Till. Lucas’s father is a Lieutenant in the army and his mother a chemist. 

No wonder he knows how to mix chemicals very well while escaping several life-threatening scenes in Macgyver. 

Just kidding but you really should see Macgyver if you haven’t, here is a link for you

So who is Till? 

Well, Lucas Daniel Till is an American actor who played Havok in blockbuster movie X-MEN. 

During the filming of Hannah Montana in 2008, Lucas drops out of school and joined the cast of Hannah Montana with Miley Cyprus as the lead character. 

However after the shoot of the movie he went back to Kell High School and graduated. 

After graduation according to information gathered from Wikipedia, Till went back into acting and did not take his education further. 

Till during his illustrious career has been nominated for several awards.

However, he has failed to pick any major award home to add to his award gallery. 

So how did it all start for these two? 

Well, you will find out shortly… 

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How Did Justin Hires and Lucas Till Career Start 

Look everyone has one story or the other to tell about how their career started. 

and I wanted to give you a chance to hear theirs through Shoutmeceleb Entertainment

I would have loved to tell you a little story about my career, but it ended up in disappointment so let’s just skip it. 

I have also divided this into two sections… 

This section covers everything that you would need to know about Lucas Till and Justin Hires’s humble beginnings. 

I have to say this: look life is tough but what’s tougher is you choosing not to do anything to make it better. 

That’s one of my favorite quotes from my mother, and she was cool with those words. 

The only thing is most times I must have been caned before that advice follows. 

and growing up was fun like that because it made me realize. what I should be spending my time on and things that I shouldn’t waste time on. 

Having that said, let’s see more… 

How Did Justin Hires Career Start 

I would say right in high school… 

Justin’s career started while he was attending Clark Atlanta University where he was an on-air personality for his school radio station. 

Here in Africa, the norm for parents is to go to school, get a good grade and life will be okay for you. 

In my experience, it’s just the wrong way to program the mind of a child honestly. 

This is because this has probably led to more jobless people in Africa than I can count. 

In America, it’s a bit different… 

It’s something like this: go to school, but develop your GOD given talent so much so that it will help you live a great life. 

In Africa, the Irony is the case because you are literally taught to be a slave working for someone all your life. 

but hey let’s leave that a bit shall we… 

Justin’s big moment came after he got discovered by MTV base. 

During his discovery, he landed a small deal for MTV Dance Justice and then every once a while appeared on MTV Disaster date. 

Prior to this Justin was the youngest cast for Shakespeare in the Park production. and appeared on action-comedy Rush Hour. 

However, the big moment came for Justin when he features as Bozer in CBS TV series Macgyver. 

In Macgyver he played the best friend to the lead actor Lucas Till who is a detective. 

Till couldn’t help feeling guilty for lying to his best friend frequently so, he had to bring him on the team at Phoenix where Hires became a detective. 

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So far, the series is in its 3rd installment and might probably get a 4th season. 

Check this screenshot of the views on YouTube below. 

and before you say anything, it’s action-packed and very interesting series to watch. 

How Did Lucas Till Career Start 

I just covered Hires brief bio and now it’s time to dig into our wonder boy detective Macgyver. 

As a kid, Till lived more in the suburbs but his talent for mimicking actors was exceptional. 

Again this is the difference between an African parent and a white mother. 

While an African parent would tell you this is not a good talent to develop, the white parents would support their kids. 


I am not saying all of the African parents don’t support their kid’s talent, I am saying the majority don’t. 

It’s all school, school, get a good grade, work for a big company, not like its bad but it’s proven to be one of the reasons. children in Africa go to school and come out more frustrated after graduating from university. 

That’s a fact! 

Till started attending acting class at the age of 10 and got his first lead role in the movie Walk the Line where he played the older brother of Johnny Cash. 

Prior to landing this lead role, Lucas Till did several commercials before landing his first movie role in the movie The Adventures of Ociee Nash. 

However, his popularity started growing more and more with Macgyver where he played the lead role as a detective working for the Phoenix Foundation. 

Lucas Till played Angus Macgyver the best friend of Bozer. and together alongside other Phoenix teammates stopped crimes and take down bad organizations. 

While this may have been the TV series that brought him so much fame, there are others which have helped to position Lucas as one of Hollywood’s stars. 

and you and I will be getting into some of those shortly. 

Justin Hires and Lucas Till Movies & TV Shows 

One of my biggest dreams ever is to become a celebrity honestly. 

Is this achievable at 25 years of age? totally achievable you would say, right?

but often times I try to rethink the decision you know, especially if you know that it comes with a burden. 

I hate being under a microscope every day which is what popularity and fame get you. 

and in this section, you and will discuss the movies Lucas and Justin have featured in over the years. 

I have also divided this into two sections so that you can easily skim through… 

Here we go! 

Lucas Till Filmography and TV Series 

I have watched like 7 complete movies during this extended stay at home due to this pandemic. 

among some of the movies is Macgyver, Outer Banks. 

You definitely should watch the above movies if you haven’t seen them before. 

Lucas has starred in quite a number of movies and below you will find some. 

In 2016 Till starred in X-MEN Apocalypse where he played the character Alex Summer or Havok. 

While not as blockbuster as anyone would have hoped, X-MEN has been a very interesting movie. 

However, I found it daunting maybe because of the initials characters I loved were all killed. which ushered the Xmen franchise into a new era of superheroes. 

Lucas’s most recent movie is Son of the South which was released in 2020.

He played the character Tripp in this movie and here is a link to its cast and an overview. which I believe could help you decide whether to watch it or not. 

In 2009 Lucas starred in the Movie the Lost & Found Family playing the character Justin. 

He also played the character of Larry in the movie The Spy Next Door which saw Jackie Chan take the lead role of a spy. 

If you are looking for some of his movies to watch. then I would also suggest his 2015 movie Bravetown in which he played the character Josh Harvest. 

Same 2015, he was also cast in the movie The Curse of Downers Grove where he played the character Bobby. 

In 2014 he was cast as Havok/Alex Summer in the X-MEN Days of Future Past. 

This list goes on and on… 

and since his first appearance in the early 2000s, Lucas has been getting better and better. 

In all, the above movies played larger roles in shooting Lucas Till net worth Forbes into the million-dollar range. 

Here is a bullet list of some of his popular movies and TV shows…

Justin Hire Movies and TV Series 

Justin Hires net worth Forbes is also in the million-dollar landmark thanks to some of the movies below. 

Prior to fame, Justin Hires played the lead role as Detective James Carter in the movie Rush Hour. 

Rush Hour is a CBS crime, comedy-drama movie released in 2016. 

Here is a brief summary for you and you will find the cast for the movie here. 

Detective Lee from Hong Kong must team up with Detective Carter in order to bring down the Chinese crime syndicate in LA.

In 2005, Justin Hires played Youngster in the movie The Gospel. 

and in 2007, he played Byron in the movie Stomp the Yard which is a breakdance and Ballet dance movie. 

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In 2012 he played Juario in the movie 21 Jump Street which is a comedy action movie. 

Here are highlights: Schmidt and Jenko are high school friends who go on to become police officers. The two friends go undercover as students in order to bust a drug ring and find the source of a synthetic drug.

In 2014, 2 years after acting in 21 jump streets, he picked the role of Jayson in 10 Cent Pistol. 

and his most famous TV series of all Macgyver which started airing in 2016 in CBS. 

Here is a list of the above movies in bullet points… 

What is Justin Hires and Lucas Till Source of income 

It’s common for actors to have multiple sources of income right? 

Well, I don’t know about you but yeah it’s common for all celebrities to have more than one source of income. 

So in this section which I have subdivided into two parts, you and will look at where Lucas and Justin’s source of income comes from. 

What is Justin Hires Sources of Income 

So far so good Justin Hires net worth 2020 Forbes is the million-dollar mark thanks to constantly landing supporting roles in movies. 

Hires first source of income comes from his movies. 

Over the years, he has acted in several movies that have pulled in quite a number of figures in Box office. 

This including movies like Stomp the yard, 21 jump street which had a budget of 45 million to 51 million. and brought in a record 201 million in the box office. 

He is also currently looking to diversify his source of income by going into music. 

The actor has constantly shown his interest in music while rapping to one of Jay Z songs on YouTube. 

Bozer also makes money from TV shows among this is his current contract with CBS on the series Macgyver. 

and it’s Macgyver that’s ultimately make up a huge part of Forbes Justin Hires net worth in 2020. 

What is Lucas Till Source of Income 

I am considering Forbes Lucas Till net worth to be higher when compared to Justin Hires 2020 net worth in the latter part of this post considering he has featured in more movies. 

but you and I will see how that plays out, in the end, won’t we? 

Lucas much like Justin makes a lot of his money starring from several blockbuster movies. 

I mean take X-men days of past, for example, the movie has a budget of 200 million to 220 million. 

Guess how much it returned in the box office? 

749 million return, if you subtract its initial production cost, that’s like 500 million-plus in profit. 

Lucas Till also currently earns a major part of the income from the current ongoing Macgyver which has seen more than 3 installments already. 

All the above movies help boost Lucas Till net worth 2020 Forbes. 

and speaking of net worth, the next section will cover questions like how much is Justin Hires worth. 

but wait, it won’t stop there since this post is about Justin Hires and Lucas Till net worth, it will also cover unanswered questions like how much is Lucas Till worth. 

Now let’s dive in, shall we? 

How Much is Justin Hires and Lucas Till Net Worth 2020 

I know you have been waiting for this so I will get right into it… 

This section will basically cover the questions you always type into Google e.g what is Lucas Till net worth or what is Justin Hires net worth. 

I will answer all of that below… 

How Much is Lucas Till Net Worth 2020

How much is Lucas Till net worth? Lucas Till currently net worth is estimated to be 2,000,000 US dollars ($2 million). A larger part of his net worth is made from his ongoing CBS TV series Macgyver, he also made a substantial amount of money starring in X-men Apocalypse and X-men Days of future past. 

Lucas Till networth: $2 million

This is the current net worth of the 30 years old as at when this post went live. 

Now let’s see that of Bozer? 

How Much is Justin Hires Net Worth 

How much is Justin Hires net worth? Justin Hires current net worth is estimated to be 1,000,000 US dollars ($1 million). much like Lucas Till, he made much of his income starring in the ongoing TV series Macgyver which started airing in 2016 to present. 

Justin Hires networth: $1 million

Like I told you at the beginning of this post, the figures you see may change due to some factors. 

and once this happens, I and my team take pride in providing you with the most up to date version of their net worth. 

Who is the Richest Between Justin Hires and Lucas Till 

Lucas Till and Justin Hires net worth who is richer? Lucas Till currently has a net worth of $2 million while Justin Hires currently has a net worth of $1 million. from the above net worths, Lucas Daniel Tills is richer than Justin Hires. 

and he leads the 35 years old with a whooping $1 million as at when publishing this blog post. 


Lucas Till 2020 net worth edging Justin Hires didn’t really come as a surprise to me. 

This is because the more movies you have acted in over the course of your career, the more money you make. 

and from the above movies listed, Lucas has more movies when compared to Hires. 

So there you have, Justin Hires and Lucas Till net worth! 

Now it’s your turn… 

Who would come out of the richest between these two celebrities in 2021? 

Leave a comment below with your thoughts and I will be sure to follow up with you. 

If you like this post then please share on Facebook with the share button on your screen. 

You should also follow us here on Facebook to stay updated whenever we release new posts to our social media handle. 

Thanks for reading and cheers… 

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