Videos Showing How the Submarine May Have Tragically Imploded Revealed: Far Worse than Imagine

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Two videos showing how the lost Titan submersible may have imploded have been posted on TikTok. Viewers of the footage commented on how what they saw was "far worse" than what they had initially envisioned when news of the catastrophic implosion was announced.

On June 22, 2023, a TikTok user whose account name is Starfield Studio posted a fake demonstrative video that gave people an understanding of what the catastrophic implosion of the Titan submersible would have looked like if the footage had been captured. The chilling video shows a model of what the vessel looked like falling deeper into the ocean's depths seconds before imploding instantaneously.

The text accompanying the video discusses how a collapse of the pressure would immediately cause the hull to increase the heat in the sub to a fatal temperature similar to that of the sun's surface. All in all, the video estimates the entire implosion to take a total of approximately 30 milliseconds.

In another video, posted by TikTok user Sincerely Bootz, a re-enactment of what it would look like if a submarine imploded showcased a vessel first curling up in a taco-like shape of metal before it ripped apart, leaving nothing but bubbles and debris behind. The narration in the video discussed how instant death would be for the lives on board.

The chilling videos shown on TikTok have sent viewers into an anxious frenzy over the tragic incident.

Experts Say a Catastrophic Implosion of the Titan Submersible Happened, Rendering All Five Lives Lost

Viewers of the TikTok videos were shocked, to say the least. Most commented on how horrific and incredibly worse what they saw in the footage was, compared to their initial thoughts upon hearing the tragic news:

"Well, that was far worse than I envisioned it."

Since the debris found by the ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) was confirmed to be consistent with the Titan submersible's parts, the investigation into the cause of its implosion immediately began. Questions surrounding the safety standards, experimental design, and lack of certifications arose in an effort to find out what exactly happened. However, US Coast Guard John Mauger called the investigation a complex case.

OceanGate's Titan submersible bound for the Titanic's wreckage site in 2023 | Source: Getty Images

A screenshot of a comment talking about the Titan implosion posted on TikTok on June 21, 2023 | Source:

A screenshot of a comment talking about the Titan implosion posted on TikTok on June 21, 2023 | Source:

A screenshot of a comment talking about the Titan implosion posted on TikTok on June 21, 2023 | Source:

From the information being given about the case, former Navy doctor Dale Molé asserts that the implosion may have been the result of the vessel's carbon fiber cylinder collapsing. However, how exactly the pressure chamber was breached is still unclear, but experts say that a power failure, a leak, or a small electrical circuit fire may have caused it. Overall, the consensus is that the Titan submersible suffered insurmountable pressure, ultimately leading to its implosion.

Another theory on what happened comes from Academy-Award-winning director James Cameron, who has made numerous trips in his own submersibles to the Titanic wreckage. According to Cameron, the minute his own deep-sea exploration sources informed him of the loud bangs heard a couple of days ago; he knew that it meant the Titan had imploded.

The "Titanic" director even expressed regret for not having spoken up about having doubts concerning the materials used to craft the vessel. He and many others believe that the company should not have constructed the deep-sea submersible with a composite carbon fiber and titanium hull in the first place. Additionally, other OceanGate whistleblowers have been raising concerns since 2018 about the company's lack of certification and push for experimental vessels.

First Coast Guard District commander, John Mauger giving the brief on the catastrophic imposion of the Titan submersible in Boston, 2023 | Source: Getty Images

The chilling videos shown on TikTok have sent viewers into an anxious frenzy over the tragic incident. Though no conclusions of cause have been made in finality, those close to the five deceased passengers and everyone who is following the story continue to await answers to their questions concerning what exactly happened.
