Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour Schedule for April 2023

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Game developer Niantic always releases Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour Schedule for each month, and here's for April 2023. Here's everything you need to know regarding April 2023's Pokemon Spotlight.

The Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour is a weekly event where it features different Pokemons to have highly-boosted spawn rates and a special double bonus. It will last for an hour and trainers will get to catch as much as possible of the same featured species as they can, filling out your Pokedex by earning a lot of Candies to evolve the featured Pokemon. Along with the Spotlight Hours, there will be a Community Day featuring Togetic on the April 15th. Here are all the things to know about April 2023 Spotlight Hour and the schedule for each Pokemon.

Exeggcute will be the latest Pokemon to be featured in a Spotlight Hour. It will go live on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 and the event will happen between 6PM-7PM local time

Spotlight Hour Schedule for April 2023

Here is the full Spotlight Hour schedule for April 2023:

Spotlight Hour DateSpotlight Hour TimeSpotlight PokemonSpotlight BonusPossible to be Shiny
April 46PM – 7PMExeggcute2x Catch CandyYes
April 116PM – 7PMShellder2x Transfer CandyYes
April 186PM – 7PMTrapinch2x Evolution XPYes
April 256PM – 7PMTangela2x Catch StardustYes

Prepare for Spotlight Hour Event

Spotlight Hour event will only last for 60 minutes so you really need to be prepared for the event. Here are things you can do to prepare for the Spotlight Hour Event of April 2023.

This is also the perfect time to use your premium items like Lucky Eggs or Star Pieces to increase the XP and Stardust you will earn since you will be catching a lot of Pokemon in the process.

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