Jason Kelce, Jordan Mailata, Lane Johnson to release Eagles Christmas album NBC Sports Philadelp

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Normally, NFL offensive linemen are faceless names to a large portion of a team’s fan base. Some only gain notoriety when they don’t do their job well, rather than when they do. Fans may not even know what they look like, or have heard their voices.

The Eagles’ offensive line is different. They’re the strongest position group on the team, among the best in football, and beloved by Eagles fans everywhere. 
And soon, everyone will know what they sound like.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, center Jason Kelce and tackles Lane Johnson and Jordan Mailata will collaborate on A Philly Special Christmas, a seven-song holiday album featuring the vocal stylings of the three Eagles o-linemen.

It’s no secret that Mailata can sing well. Like, serious pipes. And we have heard Kelce belt out the National Anthem at a Sixers home game in March. While the vocal prowess of Johnson remains to be heard, we all witnessed at the Super Bowl Parade that his voice definitely has some power behind it.

According to the report, there are some familiar names involved in the project. Former Eagles defensive end Connor Barwin is the executive producer, and Charlie Hall, drummer for the Philly-based band The War on Drugs is the producer.

Among the cuts on the album are a cover of Darlene Love’s “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home),” “Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town,” and a reading of “The Night Before Christmas” performed by the Voice of the Eagles 
himself, Merrill Reese. He’ll be accompanied on piano by Zach Miller, who plays keys on another Philly rock band, Dr. Dog.

The cover of the album is an homage to A Charlie Brown Christmas, the 1965 album by the Vince Guaraldi Trio, featuring cartoon versions of Kelce, Mailata and Johnson under the tree, rather than Charlie Brown, Linus and Lucy.

Proceeds from the sales of the album will benefit the city’s Children’s Crisis Treatment Center, and will be available digitally and on green vinyl beginning December 23, and available for pre-order in late November at aphillyspecialchristmas.com.
