AEWs Plans for 2024 Forbidden Door Event

May 2024 · 2 minute read

AEW has undergone significant transformations in recent years, and its collaborations with various wrestling promotions have yielded positive results. Given these developments, AEW seems poised for major developments concerning the Forbidden Door concept in the upcoming year.

In recent episode of Dynamite, AEW witnessed an unexpected turn of events when a diverse group of CMLL luchadores, featuring stars like Mistico, Hechicero, Volador Jr., and Mascara Dorada, were provoked by Jon Moxley. These luchadores stormed into the arena, launching a sudden and brutal assault inside the wrestling ring.

In response to this chaos, Jon Moxley issued a challenge to the CMLL wrestlers, even hinting at the possibility of crossing over to CMLL himself. Subsequently, Bryan Danielson engaged in a match against Hechicero on Collision last week, further intensifying the interaction between AEW and CMLL talents.

During a discussion on Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer shed light on the recent incursion of CMLL into AEW. Meltzer revealed that there are ongoing discussions between CMLL and AEW about the prospect of a crossover event at Forbidden Door later this year.

“CMLL and Forbidden Door? It’s absolutely being talked about,” remarked Meltzer.

As we approach the Forbidden Door pay-per-view in the coming year, fans eagerly await how AEW will weave the storylines involving CMLL into their programming. AEW is determined to make 2024 an exceptional year for wrestling enthusiasts, and the potential collaboration with CMLL adds an exciting layer of anticipation.

What are your thoughts on this development? Are you excited about the prospect of witnessing AEW facing off against CMLL at Forbidden Door this year? Share your opinions in the comments section below!

Transcription by Ringside News
