20+ Hilarious Guess Ill die memes on the internet

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Guess I’ll die memes

The ‘guess I’ll die memes’ first came out in 2011. The picture used in the meme contains an older man wearing a red sweater and shrugging. Moreover, the picture belonged to the husband of Ann Baldwin. 

Ann uploaded the picture as an istock picture back in 2009. Two years later, the photograph became the representative of this meme. 

Throughout the years, the picture has been updated. For example, other actors or a sloth replaced the head of the old man sloth to make it funnier. 

When Mike Baldwin, Ann’s husband, was asked how he felt about the meme, he replied that he didn’t care about it. He wasn’t against the meme culture and instead took the whole thing positively. 

Check out: 40th birthday memes found on the internet

So let’s take a look at some of the hilarious Guess I’ll die memes. 

Health insurance around the world is different and Canada is free, Britain’s health insurance is good, but America’s is the worst. So if you have finally run out of it, then dying is cheaper than living because those hospital bills are way off the rooftop.

In today’s time and era, living a life without technology is unimaginable. And on top of that, just imagine living without the internet. That is just impossible. If the wifi is suddenly turned off even for a couple of minutes, the whole family begins to complain, right?

Working with customers can be really tiring. If you find good ones, then the job gets easier. But if there are rude customers, then it is the worst.

Getting a cab anywhere around the world is very expensive. That is why everyone is just grateful to have an alternative option like buses and trains. But imagine if you didn’t have those options.

This meme is for all the lazy people out there. It is okay to be lazy sometimes, but it does have its limitations.

Promises, promises.

At this point in your life, it makes sense if you think this way, but people try to find humor in tragedy to make it less sad but don’t get serious about it.

Winter is here. And it’s too cold in Chicago.

Trying to find what you want to eat can be pretty hectic. Because sometimes you don’t know what you want to eat until you see some food yourself.

Being in a relationship and not getting attention is really annoying. Don’t make your partner feel that way. Cherish them.

But will this work, though, because you won’t be alive? I don’t think this is a good idea.

Moms already have so much on their plate, but it isn’t very pleasant when they forget about your needs.

Eating is fun, but you still have to mark what you eat. Otherwise, you will end up will many diseases.

As a kid, I am sure all you wanted was to grow up. But now that you are an adult, the endless responsibilities are just killing you, isn’t it? And trust me, nobody will blame you because it is so hard to be an adult.

Seeing a spider in your room is scary but imagine if they suddenly disappear. That’s even scarier.

Any ramen fans?
