Where Was Samantha Woll Obituary Ceremony Held?

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Samantha Woll was The Isaac Agree Downtown Detroit Synagogue’s leader and a prominent figure in local, state and federal politics. She formerly worked on the reelection campaigns of Michigan’s Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel, Michigan State Sen. Stephanie Chang and U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin.

On October 21, 2023 she left us and in this post you will get all the information related to her death.

Where Was Samantha Woll’s Obituary Services Held?

A synagogue president’s funeral was attended by mourners on Sunday, October 22 afternoon. Woll was remembered as more than just a local leader as the Detroit neighborhood and loved ones gathered at the Hebrew Memorial Chapel in Oak Park, Michigan.

Loved ones remembered Woll’s “infectious smile” and her capacity to make others feel comfortable, uniting the community, while speaking through tears and laughter. Dr. Monica Woll Rosen, Woll’s sister recalled her sister with affection and called her the kindest, most generous human.

Woll Rosen added, addressing her late sister:

“Your soul was beautiful and pure. You loved with all your heart. You never said no but how can I help? You so deeply wanted peace for this world. You fought for everyone regardless of who they were or where they came from. You were the definition of a leader. Our world is shattered without you.”

People attending the service from a variety of religions were recognized by mourners as a symbol of Woll. Nessel was among those who complimented Woll for her commitment to interfaith harmony and her sense of fairness for all.

Loved ones, including family, friends and coworkers, spoke of her nature while laughing and crying. They cracked jokes about her food sensitivities and the fact that she would take off her clothing when someone complimented it. Her loved ones also shared tributes on social media.

ADL Michigan, the state chapter of the Anti-Defamation League tweeted, “As we mourn her tragic passing, we urge the community to refrain from speculation and allow law enforcement to gather facts.”


— ADL Michigan (@ADLMichigan) October 21, 2023

Yair Lapid tweeted, “Our thoughts and prayers are with the Jewish community of Detroit, and with the family and friends of Samantha Woll.”

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Jewish community of Detroit, and with the family and friends of Samantha Woll.

In times of tragedy, the Jewish people stand together. May her memory be a blessing. pic.twitter.com/cp0DBXV8kU

— יאיר לפיד – Yair Lapid (@yairlapid) October 22, 2023

You can also check out our below posts related to other persons’ obituaries: 

In Which Condition Was Samantha Woll’s Body Found?

A Detroit synagogue leader was discovered dead from stab wounds outside her residence early on Saturday, October 21.

These people are SAVAGES!!!

A Jewish synagogue president Samantha Woll was STABBED TO DEATH outside her house!!!

She lived in Rashida Tlaib’s district. Tlaib should be held directly accountable pic.twitter.com/h4tbdM7l2N

— Chad Prather (@WatchChad) October 22, 2023

At 6:30 in the morning, Detroit police received a call reporting the discovery of an unconscious woman in the affluent Lafayette Park section of the city.

Woll’s body had many stab wounds and police also found a blood trail leading to her home, where they believe the crime was committed. Detroit Police said that the murder of Jewish leader Samantha Woll wasn’t a hate crime

Murder of Jewish leader Samantha Woll wasn’t a hate crime: Detroit Police https://t.co/FaO0fq8MDG

— Fox News (@FoxNews) October 23, 2023

Col. James F. Grady II, director of the MSP said that The Michigan State Police is on the ground and working with the Detroit Police Department as they continue to investigate the tragic death of Samantha Woll.

“The Michigan State Police is on the ground and working with the Detroit Police Department as they continue to investigate the tragic death of Samantha Woll,” said Col. James F. Grady II, director of the MSP. pic.twitter.com/L4tfZxzGWO

— MSP Second District (@mspmetrodet) October 21, 2023

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